11 de setembro de 2009


Então o negócio e utilizar com inteligência a internet que está aí ao nosso dispor...Eis mais um link maravilhoso, confira!


O site disponibiliza a consulta de conjugações de verbos em inúmeras línguas. Não é necessário baixar nenhum programa que ele oferece. Consulta-se on-line, clicando na opção bem à direita: On-line conjugator.

Conjugators: Windows shareware Windows freeware On-line conjugator

Welcome to Verbix

UNESCO, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Verbix is an independent non-profit organization that aims to promote and protect linguistic diversity [UNESCO Observatory: Multilingualism]. This site contains verb conjugations for hundreds of languages, ranging from national and international languages to regional and even extinct languages.

Free Verbix products and services

Verbix on-line web conjugator. Verbix on-line verb conjugator conjugates verbs in tens of languages, including English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Hungarian, Spanish, etc. Use this free verb conjugation service as much as you desire! [Read more]

Verbix for Windows supports hundreds of languages. Download and install this software to conjugate verbs off-line and to conjugate verbs in languages that are not available on-line. [Read more]

VerbWiki provides users with background information of languages and con-langs and their verb conjugation (some of the languages allow conjugation on-line). Read & participate in this project that holds 200+ languages. [Read more]

Where on Earth on-line tool shows on map where user-specified languages are spoken.[Read more]

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